Bruce Highway Managed Motorway – Stage 2

Connexus is pleased to have assisted Queensland’s Department of Transport and Main Roads with the model audit of the $34m Bruce Highway Smart Motorway – Stage 2 project that seeks to improve corridor capacity, safety, congestion, and travel times.
Full Project Description
Project Name:
Bruce Highway Managed Motorway – Stage 2
Capital Value:
Project Completed:
Late 2020
Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads
Project Summary:
A suite of smart technologies are to be implemented on a section of the Bruce Highway to optimise the highway’s performance and maximise its existing capacity during peak periods. The Bruce Highway Managed Motorways project will deliver technology on the Bruce Highway southbound between Caboolture and the Gateway Motorway. The project aims to manage the flow of traffic entering the highway at key congestion points that will help delay the onset of congestion, reduce ‘stop-start’ travel, improve travel time reliability, and enhance safety for merging traffic. The $34.8 million project is jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland Governments.
The project aims to deliver:
- ramp signals and vehicle detection sensors installed on the Dohles Rocks Road, Anzac Avenue, Boundary Road, Deception Bay Road, and Uhlmann Road southbound on-ramps to manage the rate at which vehicles merge onto the highway.
- additional traffic lanes on the on-ramps constructed to provide extra vehicle storage capacity.
- below surface vehicle detection loops installed on the highway to measure and calculate traffic flow, speed, and occupancy levels.
- 54 Variable Speed Limit Signs (VSLS) installed to display reduced speed limits in response to congestion, incidents, or bad weather.
- 33 Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras installed to monitor the network and adjust ramp signals where necessary to respond to network conditions.
- installation of the ramp signals and electronic communication technology
Connexus undertook a review of the Bruce Highway Smart Motorway – Stage 2 transport model to ensure appropriate calibration and validation had been achieved. The review also considered whether the model had been developed consistent with the appropriate model development guidelines, and that historical departmental feedback has been taken into account.