Caloundra Road/Kawana Way Link Road/Bells Creek Arterial Road Intersection Upgrade

Connexus is leading the Strategic Assessment of Service Requirements (SASR), Preliminary Evaluation (PE), and Business Case (BC) development for this <$250 million project. The Caloundra Road /Kawana Way Link Road / Bells Creek Arterial Road intersection upgrade project is being delivered on behalf of Queensland’s Department of Transport and Main Roads.
Full Project Description
Project Name:
Caloundra Road/Kawana Way Link Road/Bells Creek Arterial Road Intersection Upgrade (SASR, PE, and BC)
Capital Value:
< $250 million
Project Status:
Project Role:
Client Project Manager
Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads
Project Summary:
Caloundra Road is a significant, 4-lane, dual carriageway, arterial road which connects southern areas of the Sunshine Coast region (Pelican Waters to Warana) to the Bruce Highway, primary industries, tourism, and rail transport opportunities in and around the Glasshouse Mountains (scenic rim). This road caters for significant intra-regional and moderate inter-regional traffic movement of both freight and people.
The Kawana Way Link Road and Bells Creek Road corridor is also a significant north-south arterial road of increasing importance in the Sunshine Coast road network. The corridor passes through areas of significant residential and commercial development (including Caloundra South) and is currently a 2-lane, 2-way road link. The Queensland Government recently committed a $35 million contribution towards the extension of Bells Creek Arterial Road through Caloundra South to Roys Road interchange with the Bruce Highway, further elevating the importance of the Caloundra Road/Kawana Way Link Road/Bells Creek Arterial Road intersection upgrade project.
This project is to undertake an options analysis to deliver a Preliminary Evaluation (PE) and, ultimately, a Business Case (BC) that recommends a preferred option for the form of the ultimate upgrade of the intersection. The project will improve traffic safety and efficiency in the whole precinct and bolster the key north-south transport role of Kawana Way Link Road and Bells Creek Arterial Road while enhancing the local transport network’s resilience.
The project will:
- improve network efficiency by maximising use of existing infrastructure and implementing capacity upgrades where required
- identify and address current and emerging safety and capacity issues
- identify the preferred option for the upgrade of the intersection to meet long-term demand
- identify what upgrades may be implemented in the short to medium term to meet forecast traffic demand prior to constructing the grade-separated interchange solution
- address community access and amenity issues, including improving cycle and pedestrian access, connectivity, and overall safety in both short and long-term solutions